
So, Mary is busy over on gardnermountainllc.com posting bits of information and fuzzy pictures on the mountain and as always including her “fecal matters” – IOW, bullshit at the end.

In her last sentence, she calls the BOI FACSISM – which is so incredibly funny (if it wasn’t so sick).

facsism: Political ideology

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.Wikipedia

That LITERALLY is trump’s plan for 2025 – as in to become the next hitler. Mary worships trump, the biggest fascist the USA has ever seen, the guy who has multiple times stated he will become a dictator, etc, etc, etc. So, as usual, trumpies PROJECT their own worst characteristics onto others.


Dad’s Remembrance Week

Every year, the third week of October, the Gardner Family spends time thinking about Dad.  Mom usually organizes a “wood weekend”, where everyone in the wider Gardner Family circle is invited to participate in the work and fellowship.  Remembering Dad is the theme woven into the “event”, but getting wood into the barn is really the main focus.

Except this year.  Some parts of the family were invited.  Others weren’t.  Monica and I as well as others were not informed; not invited, excluded, yet Mom initially claimed that we were not (she was mistaken).  Still, she defends petty actions of Mary.  Still, she defends the pernicious actions of Mary. 

Here is the actual header of the email that was used to announce the “Gardner Remembrance Week” via Mary herself:

Yet Mom keeps saying “No one was excluded”.  Maybe she might have meant they didn’t tell anyone they couldn’t come; they just didn’t tell some people what was planned or that they could or should come.  Mom clearly isn’t in touch with the reality of the invitation: her story kept changing.

Here is Mom’s mail claiming everyone should have received the mail:

From: gardnermtn

To: ‘monikers’

Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 03:17:27 PM CDT

Subject: FW: wood day 2023

As you can see – everyone should have received word of the Remenbrance day happening.  You can forward this to all the kids – they are all welcome here anytime, and you are too.  You  and anyone of your family don’t need an invitation.  Remembrance can be any time.   I am happy to see anyone of you and grateful for all the help you have given me in the past. 

As we can clearly see, not everyone was sent the mail and the lame excuse about being “welcome here at any time” doesn’t constitute having “received word”.  It also clearly shows Mom isn’t reading the mail or simply refuses to believe Mary can do anything wrong (likely).  Mary is working hard to equate “dissociation from LLC” with “banned from Gardner Family”.   Is there anything Mary won’t USE to her own ends?

In other communications, Mom claims “She saw the invitation before it went out, so if the list was incomplete it was her fault”.  But it is highly unlikely she saw the message AS IT WAS GOING OUT i.e. with the full To:list.  Mom is taking the blame for something Mary did because the evidence against Mary is incontrovertible.  Also in that communication, Mom says that Mary “gave up her plans for the future to make Mom’s possible”.  Funny, in all the years Mary has been at GM there has been no mention of Mary lost plans, by Mary or by Mom of giving up “future plans”.  Mary has lived there free or nearly so, continuing to do her job remotely.  Also, odd that giving up “future plans” was something Jim CLEARLY did for Mom.  He didn’t just slide early into retirement; he gave up a promising career.  Maybe Mary had future plans – she never shared them with the family at large.  I heard a rumor once, she planned to get a trailer (RV)and hit the road.  If that is the case, I’m sorry she gave that up.  If she had been more cooperative with her siblings, one or more of them could have taken their RV to GM and stayed with Mom a few months of the year so she could travel.  Monica lives just down the road.  We all could have cooperated to enable Mary to travel at least part-time.  But she turned GM into the mess it is today, so she misses out.  She burned those bridges and utterly destroyed those relationships.

Too bad Mom doesn’t realize that Mary is trashing her plans for the future.  Oh, Mary will make Mom think Mary is going to keep GM “in the family” forever.  Someday, too late, standing next to Dad, he will point out to Mom what a mistake she made, and how she was used.  Is there anything Mary won’t USE to her own ends? Only time will tell. She could still change the situation. Mary, it’s not too late.

And, as usual, Mom has to drag HER politics into the situation, claiming that Monica and my politics (that she truly doesn’t understand) are to blame for the horrid condition of the Gardner Family.  Faux News and Friends has a stranglehold on her rationality.

Oh, and Mom mentioned this weekend was “A Remembrance weekend in honor of Dad and Jim.  Wait – these weekends were ALWAYS just for Dad.  Jim was never mentioned in conjunction with the Dad’s weekend after he (Jim) died.  I don’t think I ever heard one of the other siblings (Mary, Jeanne, John, Joe or Matt) say ANYTHING positive about Jim since the funeral.  So why include Jim now? I strongly suspect it, again, is Mary at work.  She knows I am out west and can’t be at Gardner Mountain for the weekend.  She also knows that Monica is unlikely to go because of her horrid relationship with Mary.  Between her busy schedule and the hard feelings, that Mary has made sure continues to exist, why would she subject herself to that situation?  So, to turn the screw a little deeper, Mary suggests to Mom to include Jim in the Remembrance Weekend.  Then they get to say, we didn’t care about Jim or Dad.  They include Jim as a façade when all they’ve ever done is dishonor him.  Is there anything Mary won’t USE to her own ends? Nope

So, Mary has basically called an end to any discussion – which is fine, I no longer allow her mail to reach my inbox. Just to wrap things up.

  1. At no time was any agreement necessary that said anything other than the LLC accepted our less than 1% share back.
  2. At no time was any agreement put forth that didn’t contain a lot of extraneous legal mumbo jumbo that could have been interpreted in various ways, including stuff she acknowledged was included for her own CYA. Mary did ask at one point if I would sign an agreement with the phrases I objected were removed (that I didn’t answer), but no such document was ever forwarded.
  3. At no time did Mary explain why she insisted on making it so difficult for us to leave Gardnermountain.LLC.
  4. A new Operating Agreement was being drafted which would make membership in GardnerMountain.LLC even more onerous – which is why we decided to leave.
  5. At no time since the first discussion of the new trust has Mom demonstrated a working knowledge of the Trusts OR Gardnermountain.LLC.

And one last question: In all these months of angry, nasty emails, all the siblings and mom were always included, even if I left them out. This last bit of tirade, the siblings where left off….. mmmmmmm……why?


From the Gardner Mountain Propagandist:
And remember, if you can’t question it, it’s not science – it’s PROPAGANDA.

Science by definition is designed to be questioned and to survive being questioned. But it isn’t simply the process of questioning that makes it Propaganda, it is whether the questioner has SUFFICIENT FACTS contrary to the ones used to define the Science, or whether the questioner is simply applying his/her baseless opinion. Baseless opinion = Propaganda.

In case you didn’t understand that, here is an example. There are millions of data points that clearly indicate that global temperatures are increasing DUE TO THE INFLUENCE OF MANKIND. But you can find so-called evidence, where people who start with a bias, cherry pick data in an attempt to prove their pre-determined position of climate science deniers. They are issuing propaganda, usually for profit, politics, or simply stupidity, and attempting to equate their “questioning” with scientific process when they have NO VALID DATA.

Oh, and speaking of science – just one page of search links – about just how stupid your firing range is….. When you get around to selling GM, you’ll have to apply for an EPA cleanup or respond to the buyer’s lawsuit when they are informed that you contaminated the property with a gun range and didn’t clean it up or tell them. Not to mention, poisoning groundwater (Your Mother’s well) with lead because the soil there is basically very porous sand.



p.s. two things in the lastest post on the LLC site. 1. Commercial Concealed Carry classes at GM – means the shooting range was used for commercial purposes by people not living on GM…..You might want to read this: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/epa_bmp.pdf and get mom’s water tested at least once a year for lead contamination.

2. the following quote appeared at the end of the post: And remember: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer I thought this was funny as Bonhoeffer was executed for opposing a fascist dictator that Trump adores: HITLER. So yes, call out evil wherever you see it, and boy is there so much going around nowadays. Maybe Mary is turning around her politics? Nah!!!

Will it ever end? Of course not.

Some Gardners get seedy before they die.

Mary convinced Mom the trust that she and Dad put together wasn’t good enough – so she shepherded Mom into Trust 2.0.  Then that wasn’t good enough, so she moved on to an LLC, which all of us siblings were encouraged to sign on short notice with too few answers to questions.

This spring, in March, having viewed a draft of the new Operating Agreement, Monica and I chose to leave the LLC behind.  First, we were told that we couldn’t leave.  Wrong. Why would they try to force us to stay?  Never answered.  Then Mary was then informed that she didn’t know what she was talking about.  Then more demands for our dissociation letters – to which we complied. 

Then silence for almost three months.  Then we received an “agreement” from Mary’s lawyer demanding we return it within 9 days of the agreement date.  A.  At least my copy arrived so late it was impossible to return by the deadline.  B.  The document contained typos.  C.  The document contained several items that had nothing to do with dissociation or returning our portion of the LLC – that could only be described as Cover Your Ass requirements to protect Mary.  Why?  She never answered “why” though she did acknowledge the requirements were in fact: CYA.  One requirement committed me to executing unspecified “necessary” future actions as required by yet an unspecified person.  Would you sign that?  Not unless you are a fool.

Mary claims we didn’t try to negotiate.  A bald-faced lie.  I proposed several versions of the agreement, all of them were rejected. Our lawyer proposed a version with some additional language (including a number of legal corrections to Mary’s lawyer’s agreement), and it was ignored.  The so-called final version from Mary’s lawyer still contained all the offensive phrases along with one minor modification that didn’t substantially change the negative tone of the “agreement”.  Remember, all this crap so we can walk away from the LLC and return our tiny share.  What is Mary so afraid of that she needs all the legalese to protect herself?  Creative accounting? Some big faux pas in the original LLC operating agreement? I wish I knew what it was……..

NONE of that agreement was necessary.  All Monica and I needed was a simple acknowledgment of the receipt of the TINY share (0.9545 %) of the LLC (yes, that is less than 1%).  Why the hell wouldn’t Mary just let us go?  I don’t know, but I can imagine all sorts of underhanded, Chicago-style reasons.  Mary has never explained what difference our leaving could possibly make.  So, now Mary (who holds the largest interest in the LLC after Mom) is now free to kowtow Joe, Jeanne, John, and Matt into doing whatever she wants done.  All through this fiasco, Mary pretends that Mom is “in charge”. The MANTRA from the siblings has been: “Mom can do anything she wants!”. And that is true, if she understands what it is she’s being guided to say or do. Some emails “from Mom” looked suspiciously as if they were cut and pasted from someone else (completely different font from the signature or a writing style ANYONE could see wasn’t Mom). As for Mom – she has not demonstrated any ability to discuss either the Trusts or the LLC in any meaningful way.  Every question to Mom was either ignored, answered wrong or deflected with “talk to Mary”.  I am not convinced Mom is of sufficient sound mind to be signing LLC documents.  I love my Mother, and to a limited degree, my siblings.  But this fiasco has all the hallmarks of Mom being USED for financial gain.  

Here is what Mary posted on HER web page today.

And finally, dissociation matters with Gardner Mountain LLC have come to a close as of 9/1/2023, as Mike and Monica incomprehensibly refuse to intelligently negotiate or sign the Dissociation and Transfer Agreement, to confirm what they have been declaring all year: that they want out. As a result, they are now transferees (per WI LLC law) with no rights of membership or voting rights; and no right to any LLC information after 3/8/2023. We will now move on to drafting a new operating agreement for the LLC… and a new chapter.

This paragraph contains more lies and falsehoods than I have time to deal with.  This is the kind of “negotiation” we have been putting up with all year (except some of it has been far nastier).  But she won’t let us out; she wants to keep us in the LLC limbo with a tiny percentage while she changes all the rules (New Operating Agreement is in the works). Why? It can’t be anything good.

UPDATE – you won’t believe this – but if you know Mary, you likely will. She actually demanded Monica and I pay a portion of HER lawyer bills. She calls them Mom’s bills and she is trying to get Mom to pay for them, but the lawyer bills are SOLELY Mary’s responsibility. She started this fight. She refused to end it. Some huge balls….. Obviously, this is just another attempt to drive a wedge between Mom, Monica and I.




Seeds, scattered in the winds,
seeking freedom and completion.
Making out of life as best they can
a copy of whence they came.

Seeds, scattered in the winds,
one by one from the pod.
Alike in their origins,
yet so diverse in their lives.

The reckless one, what does ne need?
The adventurer, between these two.
The solitair, what does he seek?
The mother, retracing, yet her own path.
The worker, doing and doing.
The husband; true his fathers son.
The successful one, but at what cost?
The oldest one, what wisdom has he found?

These offspring you could argue,
are just seedlings from the pair;
a genetic step progression,
like the color of our hair.

But weren’t we pressed and molded,
by each other creased and folded?
The love, the hate, the work, the play,
ten lives now reflecting us
as we lived when youth we shared.
That’s what made each seed it’s tree today.

Eight trees, buff’d by the winds of youth,
carried and rooted so far apart.
how seldom they reach to another
though touch they need to fill the heart.

As time turns their yearbook page by page,
the past comes clear as does the mind.
Now as they grow and learn with age,
will each understand, reach and find.

Find that life is not a single tree.
Find their god,
their light,
their roots,
their past?

late spring, 92