Don’t listen to your family, when they are all in a cult……

SO, Mary’s replacement site, has turned mostly into “here are a few pictures and news of George and Rose’s home plus an equally long trumpian screed about how wonderful things are in the government.  She  (and her sibling cult members) continue to ignore just how damaging the crazy ass fools in trump’s club are, not only to the world but to their own fucking stupid voters who are already being hurt and in the end will be very butt-hurt. John, you are no gentleman, nor are you a christian.   Erasing your internet history won’t help your books.  Jeanne – there was a time in your life when you cared about people.  Apparently, no more.  Mary, you were always a selfish bitch.  Matt – I always thought better of you – can’t figure out what the hell happened to you.  Joe, the eldest sibling, in theory, now, the male leader of the family – you have so failed in that role.  I hope you have a plan for Joanna when they cut off her medicare, medicaid and SS.  I’ve blocked most of my siblings in text and email and hope soon, they will block me as well.  I don’t plan on visiting the mountain ever again and hope that one day mary will get tired of issuing tax forms for my LESS THAN ONE PERCENT OWNERSHIP and the POS Gardner Mountain LLC and let me (and Monica) out.




Desecration of George W. Gardner

So, one of my siblings had decided that desecrating our Father’s likeness by using it in a vulgar maga video is funny. So typical – they respect nothing or anyone; willing to use anyone, even loved ones, to assuage their tiny consciences.


p.s. Mary’s latest post on, she blathers more about “fecal matters” i.e. trump shit, than she does goings on at GardnerMountain. Obviously, it is a desperate attempt to convince herself that the piece of shit in Washington isn’t trying to destroy America for his personal profit as well as his billionaire buddies (AKA Leon Muskrat). This is the “denial” part of being in a cult. Cudos for the Canadians and Mexicans who are standing up against that worthless piece of shit.  Trump claims to have made a deal but the reality is, he got nothing that wasn’t already there.