
In a conversation with Mom a few days back, I said the following:

When we can find the time, a time when we can spend more than a day or two at GM, we will come to visit. It won’t matter whether Mary is at the mountain or not. There will be no conditions (pre or post) with respect to this visit. There will be no required meetings. Mary can participate or not as she chooses, but Deb and I will be spending time with Mom and helping out when and where possible.

love, mike

Update – Mary made another post to the LLC web site (in part below) right after trump was convicted. Mary, Trump will be in jail come January – or self-exiled to Russia, Venezuela, Ecuador…. No amount of money is going to save this election. Most of the money he is collecting is paying his legal bills. Accept it, move on, maybe the Republican party can finally wise up and choose a real human being to lead their party. See you in 2028.


Mary crap

Yet another step deeper step into shit at GM……

More BS about how bad Biden did (not the 30+ lies trump told) and her dreams about a big Christian Fascist Nationalist victory in November.  Sorry Mary, it’s not going to happen and the orange turd WILL end up in prison.  Oh, and I fixed your flag for you…..


So, it is August now.  Kamala is the candidate.  Kamala is our only hope of America surviving.  trump is still being trump, only more of a self-caricature.  He’s picked a VP who is even a worse caricature of trump.  

Project 2025 is a blueprint for an autocracy.  If allowed to be implemented,  a despot would be in charge of the country and the only elections we have will be “Putin elections”.  Trump won’t survive his second term – he will be replaced the moment enough of P2025 is implemented.  He will be replaced by someone just as morally deficient, but way more cunning.  

Hi Mary, I know you read me.  Show this to Mom, I dare you.

Everything below is easily corroborated so long as one doesn’t only watch fox or newsmax.  

Trump is a criminal.  Trump is a liar.  Trump is racist.  Trump is a rapist.  Trump is a Malignant Narcissist.  Trump is a traitor.  Trump led an insurrection.  Trump and his Christian Nationalists are USING Christians in this country to achieve POWER.  They hope to achieve that power by promising things that will never come, just like his presidency.  In his lifetime, he’s only spent a few days in churches.  He couldn’t quote the bible to save his soul or his life.  No wall was built.  Covid didn’t go away (Debbie and I knew what was coming, there was CLEAR EVIDENCE – we told you after Jim’s funeral – you laughed at us; Trump ignored, a million Americans died).  Trump knew what was coming. Trump lied – told you to use bleach, failed to act, yet you still follow him.  Trump has three more major legal cases against him and every month, evidence of more illegal activity surfaces.  But he will only be president for about 6 months before the powers behind him decide the useful idiots time is up and replace him with someone even worse.  They just need trump to finish trashing the Constitution first.

Trump gave huge tax breaks to the richest of the rich and raised taxes on the middle class.  Project 2025 will do this again even more.  You’ll lose some if not all of your benefits, social security, medicare, and military health care – it is all targeted in Project 2025.

His so-called rallies – nothing but lies and personal attacks.  Plans for America?  He has none other than project 2025.  He claims to not be involved with it, but there is lots of video evidence where he talks about it; how fine a plan it is.  He now disavows it because America now has read it and it is costing him votes.  He didn’t write it (isn’t capable of reading/writing above 12 year old level), but he is fully aware of what it says and fully on board with it.

He cheated on his first wife with his to be second wife.  Cheated on his second wife with his to be third wife. Cheated on his third wife with a porn star.  Illegally paid the porn star to be quiet using campaign funds.

He flew around numerous times with Jeffry Epstein – a convicted pedophile and child trafficker.  There is credible evidence that he raped under-aged girls.  Yet his GOP cronies are doing everything they can to fix the next election, hampering the voting process, and putting people in place to try to NOT accept the popular vote.  If somehow trump were elected it would be the LAST election for America.  After that there would only be “Putin elections” and trump would be replaced by someone far worse than trump; someone who won’t just be faking Christianity but who will openly oppose it because morality gets in the way of power and greed. But you do you.  I believe a hundred million clear-thinking Americans will vote his ass into oblivion in November.

Some people say trump was sent by God.  Others say trump was sent by God to test us.  If that is true and you are still supporting trump, then you have failed God’s test.

Finally, the man is going senile.  He can’t answer simple questions without rambling “word salad” or going on endlessly on how good or smart he is without ever answering the question.  The Maga powers that be selected him because they thought they could control him, but he is rapidly short-circuiting.  Even the GOP have acknowledged that he cannot win this election and their only hope is election interference and getting maga operatives into the election management positions to try to stop the vote from being accepted so the question can get to the utterly corrupted Supreme Court. Good luck wth that.  Harris/Walz will win by over 20 million votes.  

Dear John

I have no plans to ever be in the same room with you again, but in response to your repeated threats of physical violence: If I ever witness you attack another person, you will spend the night in jail. 

ATP, FAR, “sound moral character.”



P.S.  Now, for the cult side of the family, some light reading.

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What’s up?

This is an update from the Michael Gardner family .

Our extended family is doing well.  Jen and family are at Death Valley for a couple of months before they move on to Idaho for the summer.  Rob, Megan and their family are still in Champaign.  Megan is a PA and Rob works for an Internet based company.  Tom and Ashley are still in Mohomet.  He still works as a Medic and Ashley manages a Spencer’s store.  We are ensconced in Tucson till March, then back to Phoenix for a couple of weeks, then back home for the summer.  We have visited several national parks, done some hiking, taken lots of pictures and at the RV community here, learning lapidary.  We’ve managed to meet a number of the residents (who are from all over the country, even Canada).  They have a permanently mounted telescope here and have Sunday scope nights when the skies are clear.  Here is a stacked image from the Orion nebula.

M42 (108 exp)




 I’m still working with my scope to get everything working well enough to take deep sky pictures.  Janessa and I (back in Yuma) managed to take this mosaic of the moon.