This is an update from the Michael Gardner family .
Our extended family is doing well. Jen and family are at Death Valley for a couple of months before they move on to Idaho for the summer. Rob, Megan and their family are still in Champaign. Megan is a PA and Rob works for an Internet based company. Tom and Ashley are still in Mohomet. He still works as a Medic and Ashley manages a Spencer’s store. We are ensconced in Tucson till March, then back to Phoenix for a couple of weeks, then back home for the summer. We have visited several national parks, done some hiking, taken lots of pictures and at the RV community here, learning lapidary. We’ve managed to meet a number of the residents (who are from all over the country, even Canada). They have a permanently mounted telescope here and have Sunday scope nights when the skies are clear. Here is a stacked image from the Orion nebula.
I’m still working with my scope to get everything working well enough to take deep sky pictures. Janessa and I (back in Yuma) managed to take this mosaic of the moon.
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